A Dual Parish

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church is a family of believers in Jesus Christ in Pickett, WI. We have worshiped, grown and served together since 1922.

Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
is a family of believers in Jesus Christ in Zion, WI. We have worshiped, grown and served together since 1898.

Zion in sunset

What We Believe

To rescue human beings from their sins, God sent his Son to become a human being, Jesus. Accountable to God just as we are, he lived perfectly, but he then suffered death in our place to pay the penalty for our sins. To prove that God accepted His death as full payment for all sins of all people of all time, He rose from the dead and proved he’s alive by appearing to his disciples.

Because he has defeated sin and its punishment of death for us and he lives forever, he has won over our hearts by his undeserved love. We strive to serve him, seeking his help in our struggle against sinning, while also telling others of his victory. We share this good news so that others believe too, and will live forever with him when he returns on the last day of this world to raise the dead and make this sin-fallen world new again.

Church Staff

Pastor Jud Krohn

Pastor Krohn began his ministry in 1988. He served as pastor of congregations in Hadar, Nebraska, then in Bristol, Wisconsin. He also served overseas as a missionary in Chiangmai, Thailand. In 2010 he accepted the call to be pastor of Grace and Zion and then began serving in February of 2011. His wife, Barbie, works as a registered nurse in the Oshkosh area. In their spare time, they enjoy reading, doing crafts, and playing games with family and friends. God has blessed them with a daughter and a son.

Pastor at Grace lecturn